
Participants: Gay Seidman

Seidmanlarge.jpg Professor
Department of Sociology
University of Wisconsin, Madison
Personal Homepage(Department of Sociology)
Research Interests
Sociology of Economic Change and Development, Labor, Gender, Social Movements, Political Sociology, Demography
Research Areas
Africa (South Africa)
Latin America (Brazil and Guatemala)
Research in 50 Words
My research generally explores social movements in developing regions, especially looking at how workers, their communities, and their allies have mobilized, and at efforts by democratizing states to support social and political inclusion. Most of my work has been historical and comparative. My current research focuses on changing dynamics between unions and poor communities in South Africa.
Selected Works
•Seidman, Gay. 2012. "Regulation at Work: Globalization, Labor Rights, and Development." Social Research 79(4): 1023-1044.

•Seidman, Gay. 2011. "Social Movement Unionism: From Description to Exhortation." South African Review of Sociology 42(3): 94-102.

•Seidman, Gay. 2010. "Brazil’s Pro-Poor Strategies: What South Africa Could Learn." Transformation: Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa 72/73: 86-103.

•Seidman, Gay. 2003. "Institutional Dilemmas: Representation Versus Mobilization in the South African Gender Commission." Feminist Studies 29(3): 541-563.

•Seidman, Gay. 2001. "Guerrillas in Their Midst: Armed Struggle in the South African Anti-Apartheid Movement." Mobilization 6(2): 111-128.
In Our Conference
In XVIII ISA World Congress
(1) Oral Presentation
Session: Precarious Employment Regimes: Divergent Trajectories of Regulation and Union Mobilization
Date&Time: Monday, July 14, 2014: 5:30 PM-7:20 PM
Location: Pacifico Yokohama
Gay Seidman, "Extending Regulation to Protect Vulnerable Workers."

(2) Oral Presentation
Session: RC44 Roundtable I --- Does Economic Growth Mean Ecological Catastrophe? Challenges for Labour?
Date&Time: Tuesday, July 15, 2014: 8:30 AM-10:20 AM
Location: Pacifico Yokohama
Gay Seidman, "Red-Green Campaigns in the Global South."