
Conference Format

On the format of our workshop sessions

In this conference, we will adopt the specific workshop format that the late Charles Tilly used with enormous success for a long period of time at the New School for Social Research and Columbia University. Some of our conference participants had the experience of participating in Chuck’s Contentious Politics Workshop. In the workshop, a presenter distributed his/her research paper a week in advance, participants read the paper in advance of the session, and on the day of the workshop, most of the time was devoted to discussion of the paper. We choose this workshop format so that world-renowned scholars, young researchers, and energetic graduate students from around the world can engage ideas in a free atmosphere and can nurture relationships that may serve as the a basis for global academic collaboration in the future.

How to obtain workshop papers

  • The conference invitees will be able to download conference papers on our conference website.
  • For those who have registered for the specific workshop session(s) using our registration system, conference papers will be e-mailed around July 16, Wednesday.
  • All the participants in the workshops are expected to read papers in advance of the sessions.

A pattern of the workshop sessions

Time Activities (Each of our fifteen workshops will last about 80 minutes.)
00-15 min Presenter's brief introduction of the paper's background and substance.
Please prepare a 15-min presentation on your paper. You can use PowerPoint in the conference rooms.
15-20 min First discussant's critique
20-25 min Second discussant's critique (if any)
25-30 min The first round of questions/comments from non-PhDs.
30-78 min Floor discussion
78-80 min Presenter's final comments


  • Workshop presenters (and symposium presenters) can use PowerPoint in the conference rooms.
  • If a presenter intends to use any specific presentation materials or distribute handouts, please notify the organizers in advance.